Become a Remote-First Blog Guest Author

As the Remote-First Blog’s audience continues to grow, we are excited to now offer the opportunity for qualified individuals to be featured as guest authors. We have received countless insightful quotes and comments that we have been highlighting in our articles and will continue to do so, but we also wanted to take the opportunity to expand our inclusion of the business community at large. Especially small businesses.
At We Are Working, we are excited to help small business owners, executives and individuals streamline their businesses and lives so they can focus on what matters most to them. Whether that be more time growing their business, spending more time with their families or getting out to travel and have new experiences – we are driven by making those dreams a reality. We nerd out on processes, support our clients with a team – whether called virtual assistants, personal assistants, remote specialists – our team is dedicated to helping our clients execute a remote workforce strategy that works for them. We are also are a 100% remote company, and we advocate for remote working. Given this background, we have laid out the following guidelines for content that would be beneficial to our audience.
Before you speak, let your words pass through three gates. At the first gate, ask yourself, “Is it true?” At the second gate ask, “Is it necessary?” At the third gate ask, “Is it kind?” – Rumi
Remote-First Blog Author Credentials
Like Rumi’s quote, we also have a few gates that anything on our blog must be passed through. First up, you must be currently in, previously served as, or retired from, a leadership position such as:
- Small Business Owner
- Entrepreneur
- Board Member
- Founder
- President
- C-Level
- Senior Vice President / Executive Vice President / Vice President
- Director / Department Head
- Senior Manager / Manager / Lead
We serve a wide variety of industries and have clients ranging from marketing agencies to real estate agents and everyone in between, so we are open to hearing from business leaders of many unique backgrounds and business niches.
Remote-First Blog Topic Areas
Great! You have a relevant background. What’s next? The second gate is that your content should be focused on topics that will benefit our readers. Some ideas of topic areas include:
- Working with Virtual Assistants / Remote Freelancers
- Remote Teambuilding
- Staffing / Recruiting
- Business Strategy
- Workforce Management
- Working From Home / Remote Work
- International Business
- Productivity
- 100% Remote or Hybrid Workforces
- Other relevant business topics
We prefer guest authors who can write from their own experiences and expertise since many lessons can carry value across industries or businesses. Be mindful that your article should not be an advertisement for your business. However, you can also submit a short bio about yourself and link to your website within that dedicated space.
Remote-First Blog Article Guidelines
Ok, so you have your topic in mind. Isn’t that everything needed? Not quite. The third gate is in place so we continue to present an authentic and consistent experience for our readers. Our guidelines are as follows:
- All content submitted must be your 100% original and unpublished work. You also must agree not to publish it elsewhere if we decide it is a fit for the Remote-First Blog. We reserve the right to refuse any content already published, or containing plagiarism or attempts to hide plagiarism, or remove any content from the blog that is found to be published elsewhere after first being published here.
- Articles should be between 800 – 2000 words. However, if you have an article that is above 2000 words, we may decide to break it up into a series.
- Articles will be published with a featured image and a minimum of two supporting images within the body of the text. Feel free to submit images along with your article or we will supply images. However, images need to be high-quality and in landscape orientation with a minimum width of 1200px, and will be cropped as needed.
- All content submitted that is approved to be published will be reviewed for grammar, SEO best practices, and any other necessary edits and formatting necessary to fit our established article format. If you require that you first approve any changes, let us know.
- We ask that you promote your article by sharing it to your networks on social media, email, your website – whatever you would like.
How to Submit Guest Author Inquiries
In the spirit of keeping processes streamlined, we have developed this quick form for submitting your inquiry. While you are there, we have the option for you to also sign up for our newsletter list where we deliver new articles straight to your inbox.