3 Business Growth Tips by Marketing Agency Leaders

3 Business Growth Tips by Marketing Agency Leaders

As a marketing agency leader, whether you’re new in business or a little more established, finding new strategies to grow your business, team, and client list is probably your top concern.

Encouraging business growth can be challenging, especially considering that over 50 percent of digital marketing agencies have ten or fewer team members. With such limited resources, every growth strategy you take must count.

There are thousands of marketing agencies out there and more are popping up each day. So, it’s important to spend time doing tasks that will aid your business’ growth and help you stand out. 

We asked marketing agency leaders to share their best tips for growth— and these were our top 3 responses that may surprise you but will help your marketing agency reach new heights. 

Grow Your Team by Hiring Remotely

A majority of marketing agency leaders are failing to find the right people at an affordable price. Finding great talent is highly competitive. Some of the best people are already working for other companies. If you’re looking to attract and retain more people to your team, one of the best strategies is to switch to staffing remotely. 

The reason why going remote works so well with marketing agencies is that a lot of digital marketing activities can be done independently. For example, employees can write blogs, conduct SEO audits, and edit videos without having to be in an office. Other activities like social media updates and planning, email marketing, and link building can also be done remotely as well. This can help you save on the cost of worker’s compensation insurance, cleaners, office supplies, and furniture.  

Not only does working remotely help you save money that would normally be spent on overhead costs associated with maintaining an office, but it can also help you diversify your team. 

Rahul Vij, CEO of WebSpero Solutions, explains, 

“By recruiting candidates from all over the country, we can boost diversity and culture in the workplace. This will add a mixed bag of skills, creativity, and enthusiasm, which according to us, is a great way to spike organizational efficiency.”

He continues, “Other reasons behind shifting to remote working are fewer distractions, less commute stress, and more flexible benefits for employees. All this will provide them enough time to indulge their efforts in essential tasks productively. Above all, it is a sure-shot cost-effective solution for both employees and the company. By hiring a proportion of remote workers, we can enjoy the advantage of reduced overhead. The money saved thus can be used to build the business and processes. Overall, remote staffing is our ultimate way to stay competitive.”


Focus on New Lines of Business 

With the changing market and the advancement of technology, there is a new way of enticing clients by offering solutions to new-age problems. Every marketing agency wants to stay ahead of the competition. But how can you stay on top of the competition? 

With more people working from home, there are more people online for longer periods. As a result, many businesses are turning to online advertising to generate more leads. As a result, many of your clients might be looking to do content marketing to produce more educational material for their audience. This is one example where your online team can fill the gaps for various brands and their customers.  

Your ability to innovate will determine your success or failure during this time. Look at what others in your industry are doing. What can your agency do to better meet the needs of your clients?

Sean Chaudhary, CEO of Alchemy Leads, explained how his marketing agency successfully pivoted this way:

“We adapted by growing our services and changing our messaging to reach more people. We positioned ourselves as the answer to the problems everyone else was having. The result: we found new types of businesses we had never worked with before and opened up ourselves to a whole new market.

Encourage Your Team’s Creativity

Our final marketing agency growth tip comes from Stefan Schulz, COO, and Partner at Orpical Group, who experienced increased productivity, improved client satisfaction, and increased revenue after encouraging his remote team’s creativity. 

Schulz explains, 

“We are 100% remote right now, and we don’t have any plans to go back into an office environment. We’ve found that the overall morale, productivity, and creative energy of our employees has gone up. As such, client demand and satisfaction are higher, as shown by revenue growth.”

Most marketing agency leaders believe that creativity can only happen with in-person brainstorming sessions. The reality is that in-person brainstorming sessions often don’t work. That’s because, in in-person group sessions, the idea expressed first or by the most senior person in the room often dominates. 

On the other hand, remote work allows your employees to be self-starters and leaders in their own right. Every team member can share their ideas without being crowded out by more senior members of your team. Additionally, without the pressure of constant supervision, remote workers have more freedom to creatively solve business problems. 

How to encourage creativity among your employees? 

  • Cultivate an office culture that rewards creative risk-taking. 
  • Make it clear to your team that your organization values creativity—and understands its importance. 
  • Be receptive to new ideas and recognize your most creative employees for the impact they’ve made.


To summarize, the 3 best tips by Marketing Agency Leaders to grow your business are: 

  1. Build a remote team
  2. Focus on new lines of business 
  3. Encourage your team’s creativity

Of course, adapting some of these ideas may mean changing the way you conduct business, but the long-term successes you experience will make up for any short-term adjustments you’ll have to make. 

Growing your marketing agency can be difficult to manage, so let us help. Our marketing assistants can help you with social media monitoring, content distribution, supporting your sales teams, and much more. 

We help you go remote-first by finding the best workers at affordable prices so that you can focus on the aspects that grow your business.