5 Business Functions That Can Be Outsourced To a Virtual Admin

Running a successful business is no easy feat. It requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and effort to keep it running properly. From managing finances and creating marketing strategies to hiring staff and ensuring customer satisfaction, there are many aspects that need to be taken care of in order to ensure the success of a business.
Outsourcing allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while freeing up time and resources for other important tasks. One of the best ways to outsource is to use a virtual admin. Here’s a breakdown of some of the main areas that can be outsourced to a virtual admin.
1. Administrative Tasks
When most people think of a virtual admin, they think of all the administrative tasks that person can take over. It’s the most common and expected way to put an admin’s skills to good use.
With that in mind, you can easily work with your admin on all the day-to-day tasks that need completing. Knowing that someone else is handling those areas of your business frees you up to do many other things that may require your unique skill or expertise.
2. Accounting
Most companies don’t need an in-house accountant or even one who works in the same city or state. A virtual admin who has accounting skills and training can handle that task for you, so you can focus on other business aspects.
While not every admin is trained in accounting, there are many of them who have that skillset and a good understanding of everything they need to do. Hiring someone with accounting abilities is a great way to feel confident about your company’s financial handling.
3. Customer Service
Because so much of customer service is handled online or over the phone today, a virtual admin can often easily take over customer service aspects of your business from wherever they’re located.
It’s important to make sure your admin is available during business hours and well-versed in what your company can and can’t do to make things right for a customer. It’s also important to ensure they have a strong internet and cellphone service connection.
4. IT Management
While IT is a specialized skill, management of your company’s IT isn’t as complicated. In other words, you don’t expect your virtual admin to fix major bugs, write new code, or develop programs, but they should be able to find and troubleshoot small issues.
That can help your company keep moving forward, and reduce the chances that a customer will have trouble with something on your website. Managing IT correctly also helps employees get their jobs done more efficiently, and without problems.
5. Logistics
Logistics and shipping can generally be monitored and handled by a virtual admin since most of that aspect of your business doesn’t require your admin to be on-site. By working with any employees in the shipping department, your admin can keep things running.
Tracking online, making phone calls to find out about shipment status, and working with others to keep the supply chain strong are all tasks an admin can do from nearly anywhere, and that makes it easier for your business to ship and receive flawlessly.
Get the Most From Your Virtual Admin
There are many other tasks a virtual admin can perform, depending on the specific person you hire for your admin and exactly what your business needs. For example, your admin may also be able to help with sales and marketing, along with research and human resources.
From booking appointments for your clients to setting up emails and autoresponders to inquiries on your website, an admin can handle a significant number of your company’s tasks without ever needing to be in the same space.
Having someone work virtually can be just what your company needs to grow and develop without the need to spend a lot of money bringing on more employees and providing them with a workspace.
If you need a virtual admin for important tasks like the ones discussed above, We Are Working can help. We provide remote assistants from all around the world, so we can match the right person to the right job and exceed customer expectations.
Reaching out to us today is the first step toward having a high-quality virtual team member who can improve your business for the future. Set up a consultation now to learn more.