Category: Business Strategy

5 Tasks Attorneys Can Delegate to Virtual Assistants

5 Tasks Attorneys Can Delegate to Virtual Assistants

If you’ve ever been overwhelmed with the sheer amount of work involved with running a legal practice, delegating tasks to virtual assistants can significantly free up your time. And when some law firms say they spend as little as 56 percent of their time actually practicing law, it’s more important than ever to find ways…
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The Future Model of Hiring in the U.S. Labor Shortage

The Future Model of Hiring in the U.S. Labor Shortage

U.S. Labor Shortage – Status, Challenges and Way Forward Did you know the U.S. Workforce participation remains below pre-pandemic levels?  In fact, there are nearly two million fewer Americans participating in the labor force today, compared to February of 2020. The Understanding America’s Labor Shortage publication shows that there are 9.9 million job openings in…
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What is a Remote First Staffing Strategy?

What is a Virtual Assistant Agency?

A virtual assistant agency connects businesses to outsourced workers. VA agencies handle hiring, training, and matching remote talent to job openings, which boosts productivity and reduces management responsibilities. What are the reasons to use a virtual assistant agency, and what is the difference between agencies vs. freelancers? Find the best virtual assistant services with We…
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Remote-First Blog Author Credentials

Top 10 Virtual Assistant Skills to Look For

Not sure what to look for in a virtual assistant? There are a variety of hard and soft skills every virtual assistant must have to provide you with the best possible experience. Learn more about what makes a great virtual assistant and how to find the person for your needs with We Are Working.

Bonus Round - Personal Assistants

How Outsourcing Saves Money

Outsourcing helps businesses redistribute work in a manageable, efficient manner, but how does it save money? By leveraging lower-cost talent to take on projects or long-term business functions, you can help alleviate burden off full-time employees and help the business as a whole be more productive. Learn more about the financial benefits of outsourcing with…
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Virtual Assistant vs. Freelancer, What’s the Difference?

Does your business need outsourcing support but you don’t know where to start? You may be considering bringing on either a virtual assistant or a freelancer, but what’s the difference? Whether you need long-term support or project-based assistance, outsourcing talent is a great way to get work done without bringing on a full-time employee. Discover…
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How Much Time Do Small Business Owners Spend On Social Media

How Much Time Do Small Business Owners Spend On Social Media?

Small business owners can delegate social media tasks to virtual marketing assistants for a price that makes sense.

Ideas for handling admin tasks in a law office

Ideas for Handling Administrative Tasks in a Law Office

Administrative tasks. Answering phones, organizing your files, balancing your books—these tasks can keep lawyers from doing their actual job.

Real Estate Agents Share the Top Tasks They Delegate to Virtual Assistants

Real Estate Agents Share Top Tasks delegated to VAs

Real estate is such a lucrative business for a unique individual who is able to wear many hats, but most of all someone who can forge lasting connections with their current and potential clients. In reality, a decent portion of the behind-the-scenes workload that keeps real estate agents up to 1 a.m., can be delegated…
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CEOs & Executives Share Insights on Supporting Remote Sales Teams

Supporting Remote Sales Teams: Insights from CEOs and Execs

How do you support your sales leaders when your company is operating in a remote setting, whether as part of your business strategy or an adaptation to the current times?  This is what we asked of business leaders in industries ranging from adult education, bookkeeping tools, and as specific as mold remediation services for real…
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